Episode 14

Published on:

18th Jul 2022

NHIVNA Live Episode 3 - Day 2 and Delegate Round Up

Today's episode is the final episode of the NHIVNA conference.

We have a chat with some more delegates from the day and some University of Nottingham students who have attended a conference for the first time.


GMPNP Presents : NHS Borderlands. Greater Manchester Patients Not Passports presents


And also the website for the film:


Here is the website for the Patients Not Passports campaign:


https://www.patientsnotpassports.co.uk/campaign/resources.html (resources page)

Which has lots of helpful information about NHS charging and advocacy around supporting people to access healthcare while navigating the hostile Environment.

A toolkit designed to support you in advocating for people facing charges for NHS care, and in taking action to end immigration checks and upfront charging in the NHS. - Patients Not Passports

Patients Not Passports is a toolkit designed to support you in advocating for people facing charges for NHS care, and in taking action to end the immigration checks and upfront charging in the NHS that form part of the Hostile Environment.



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About the Podcast

HIV Matters
Exploring Quality of Life in HIV Care
The podcast explores the current issues people living with HIV experience that impact on their quality of life. The podcast aims to provide educational content and discussions with key leaders in HIV care in the UK, Europe and America. Exploring issues in a conversational solution focused approach will lead to a greater understanding of the needs of people living with HIV and enhance healthcare professional’s ability to provide person centred care. Throughout each episode there will be a specific show theme which will focus on current and topical issues within HIV care, either from a clinical or research perspective. The focus of HIV matters podcast series aims to showcase innovation and best practice within the field of HIV care.

About your host

Profile picture for Michelle Croston

Michelle Croston